Customization readily available to your customers

Si-Frame aluminium

Many artists require specific dimensions for their work. With Si-Frame, you can offer precise customization—down to the millimetre. Extremely large canvases, such as 4 or even 8 meters wide, are also possible.

Si-Frame aluminium stretcher and crossbars are available in long lengths, such as 4 or 6 meters. As a retailer in art materials, you can keep these in stock along with the necessary accessories. All you need is a simple aluminium miter saw.

This allows you to stand out from the competition and quickly provide your customers with a made-to-measure stretcher frame, ready to be stretched with their chosen canvas.

Wooden Stretcher bars

Bespoke wooden bars, down to the millimeter.

Siemerink is the specialist in bespoke stretcher bars. You can choose from a wide range of profiles in various thicknesses and dimensions. Many profiles are available as standard in every centimetre. For retailers in art materials, wooden bars up to 3 meters in length are available upon request, in both centimetre and even millimetre measurements.

Standard 40TL/KL

Profile 20 x 44mm

Museum M95

Profile 41x95mm

*Price is per pair

Profi 28/45

Profile 28x44mm

Museum 45

Profile 45x44mm

Museum 65

Profile 65x44mm

Classic 45TL/KL

Profiel 15x44mm

Classic 50

Profile 20x50mm

Classic 50 TL/KL

Profile 16x50mm

Museum M95 TL/KL

Profile 18x95mm

Standard 40

Profile 38 x 37mm

Classic 65

Profile 20x65mm

classic 25/65

Profile 25x65mm

Profi 45/65

Profile 45x65mm

Classic 65TL/KL

Profile 15x65mm

Standard 45

Profile 18 x 44mm

Standard 20/45

Profile 20 x 44mm

Standard 45TL/KL

Profile 18 x 44mm

Classic 45

Profile 18x44mm